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Black Feeling, Black Talk, Black Judgement 1970 - Paperback

Nikki Giovanni's one hundred pounds or less have the unique capability of blowing you away, even when she is being gentle; thus is the nature of her unquestionable dynamism.

She springs from the Black city of Lincoln Heights, Ohio, where she lived with Gus, Yolande, Gary and Peppe. This family unit resembles the tribes of old in their commitment to unity.

At sixteen she entered Fisk University and, consistent with her inconsistency, graduated at twenty four. In that period of time she moved from being an Ayn Rand reading Goldwater supporter, through John Killens' Fisk Writers Workshop, to putting SNCC on campus, edit Elan and after returning to Cincinnati, initiating an awareness of arts and culture in the Black Community. Beginning with the first Cincinnati Black Arts Festival in June 1967 which Nikki planned and saw through to the establishment of The New Theatre, a Black indigenous theatre, she has been a prime mover in the struggle for awakening. She has lectured at The Black History Workshop in Cincinnati, been Youth Day speaker at Reverend Cleage's Church of The Black Madonna in Detroit, and has begun a Black History group in Wilmington, Delaware where she now live. 

Nikki is undoubtedly an intellectual. But before that she is a Black woman whose uniqueness is merged with the universal Black experience in such a way that all you can say after reading her is "Yeah".

Here she is presented in her first published collection. Black Feeling, Black Talk will turn you on. Dig it. 


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